
The Donor Store is Back!

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The Donor Store is live! 

Before You Log In to the Donor Store

The donor store is back! Here are some items to get ready in preparation of the store launch.

  1. Make sure you have a Donor I.D. number. If you are a donor you can text “DONORID” to 999777 to retrieve your Donor  I.D. number.
  2. Make sure you have a Donor Profile. Click this link for directions on how to create a donor profile.
  3. Attention STUDENTS: Do NOT use your school e-mail when creating your donor profile.

How to Log In to the Donor Store

How to Redeem Points in the Donor Store using the LifeStream App

How to Redeem Points in the Donor Store through the LifeStream Donor Portal

Points Breakdown
  • Whole Blood- 150 Points
  • Double Red- 300 Points
  • Plasma- 300 Points
  • Platelets- 300 Points


1. How do I access the donor store?
Visit this link to log into the donor portal to access the donor store. 

2. What if I don’t know my Donor ID?
 If you are a donor you can text “DONORID” to 999777 to retrieve your Donor  I.D. number. 

3. Do my points expire?
Points expire in 18 months from the donor’s last donation. 

4. Is there a point maximum?
Yes, 10,800 points. 

5. What if I am a platelet donor? Will I receive donor store points and the Golden State Platelet Challenge items?
Yes, you will receive donor store points for your platelet donation and milestone items from the Golden State Platelet Challenge at your donor center. 

6. Do my points rollover from the previous LifeStream donor store?
No, all donors start accumulating points on February 1, 2024. 

7. Do my points roll over when the year ends?
Your points are active if you haven’t reached the 10,800 point maximum. However, points expire if you do not donate within 18 months. 

To schedule an appointment, click button above, call 800-879-4484 or download the LifeStream mobile app! Patients need your help.

Don’t forget to use ExpressPass to speed up your donation process.